Posted on March 23, 2023
Today, we are excited to release the Instagram Hashtag Gallery. The Instagram Hashtag Gallery is a gallery that automatically syncs with a hashtag (i.e. #yourbrand)
You can now embed an Instagram Hashtag Gallery anywhere on your website. The gallery will automatically track and sync with a #hashtag that you are tracking. You can tag a content with a product and make that content Shoppable. To view a demo, visit our demo.
Installing it is easy, You can find specific instructions on how to install a Hashtag Gallery for a specific #hashtag by going to your hashtags page and clicking on the "Install Hashtag Gallery" button. Follow the instructions:
You can also customize each Instagram Hashtag Gallery similar to your Page & Product Gallery. Simply go to Hashtags → #yourbrand and click on "Customize Hashtag Gallery". Each #hashtag has its own unique template that you can customize. For example, you can style #yourbrand and #brandmovement differently.
Use the Instagram Hashtag Gallery to share all the trending content happening with your #hashtag. The Instagram Hashtag Gallery is available for the PREMIUM plan.
You can now use your Instagram Feed as placeholder content on your product's pages. To learn more, look at our Customize Gallery Guide.